Sunday, August 30, 2009

Mission Accomplished

This morning marks one the largest milestones we've aimed to accomplish. Tomorrow will mark one more.

First, today WE have made it to 34 weeks gestation with our Quadruplets. When I say "We" I truly mean both our immediate family and beyond.

I may have done the physical work of carrying these babies, but Weston has has carried more than his fair share of the responsibility of keeping our lives maintained, and the boys have made it through without having 100% of their mother at their disposal. Our families have worked hard to help with anything we've asked of them, and our friends have done the same. We are so very blessed.

Last night I was trying to explain to West how I felt about the whole experience. To have made it this far, with hardly a bump to be noticed is the biggest gift anyone could have given us. I truly feel as though we've been carried through it, with little more than our toes grazing the ground. We have both God, and everyone around us to thank for that. How can I not feel honored to made it through this part of the journey unscathed? After experiencing the miraculous last 34 weeks, it's hard not to put faith in a higher power and give appreciation to our families who've done so much. To say I feel an unbelievable amount of love and devotion is an understatement.

Tomorrow, at 7:30am, we'll deliver our four newest children via c-section. We've met our goals throughout the pregnancy and tomorrow, we'll meet our gifts. I am excited beyond comprehension. To see them each for the first time, to touch them, to see Weston holding his first babies (by blood of course) and to experience that bond that we both worked so very hard to solidify. To give the boys the siblings they too have been anticipating, and to give our families four more lives to love. It's just going to be an incredible experience. The excitement and joy of seeing our family come together is something that I can not describe, but truly can not wait to behold.

I know that tomorrow will not be easy, given the surgery and the prematurity of the babies. I know that our lives are about to change to significantly that we may not recognize our previous selves. But for now, I am going to let all of the worry and anxiousness subside and focus of what we're about to witness, and the joy it will bring us.

Today we decided to have people over to enjoy some company, and get some family time in before tomorrow's events. We've tried to celebrate in some way every Sunday since I reached 28 weeks, but today seems more special and is the culmination of our pregnancy. We thought it would be nice to share that. So, we're having family, friends, food and drinks this afternoon and I can't wait. The highlight of my day will of course be seeing my Mom, who's staying with us for a couple of days to help (tomorrow my dad and sister will follow).

I am off to start our last day as a family of four, and will keep everyone posted on how tomorrow goes. Please keep us, and our babies (all of them, this isn't going to be easy on Jake and Owen either) in your thoughts!

Much love and thanks,


1 comment:

  1. My precious Pookie... I have been trying for days to try to put into words the pride that I feel,the joy that we are experiencing, and the relief that you have all made it through this experience in such an amazing way. Its hard to write through tears of joy..
    when you first told me you were going to have quadruplets, I was in "shock and awe". I've seen you go through this pregnancy and am even more awed by you. I have been, throughout, worried about you (My baby), your husband, your new marriage and Jake and Owen.
    I see now that the worry was worthless, as much worry in life is..
    Please remember throughout the coming years that it truly does take a "village" to raise a child (or four). Your family is your village. A huge, diverse family of people that love you and yours.
    These little ones have done what you started 29_ years ago.. they've grabbed a hold of my heart and are squeezing more tightly every moment. Its a joyous feeling, and one that I treasure. I did when I had children, and even more so now with my grandchildren.
    Thank you.
    Thank you for the precious gift of four more grandchildren for us to love.. for being the woman that you are and the Pookie that still has a very tight hold on my heart.
    Love you.
