Friday, March 13, 2009

It's Been a While, I know.

So much for keeping everyone well informed.

Things have been increasingly hectic, and even more emotional. I haven't really even sat down at the computer to correspond via email, let alone catch up on this. There has been a lot of time spent at various doctors' offices, and even more time spent in bed on bed rest. But, it seems as though there is light at the end of this tunnel, and I am looking forward to slinking back into normalcy even if it's just for a little while.

Since I last wrote, we have had FIVE different appointments with three different doctors. At each appointment since the discovery of baby number four, we've been told to expect it's disappearance and to focus on the three others. At our last appointment, (which was yesterday) we were finally told that we have four seemingly healthy babies for 10 weeks gestation. And for that, we breathed a sigh of relief. Baby number four has caught up completely with its siblings and for now, all remain on par for where they should be at this stage of the game.

We did have a pretty intense scare this week, complete with emergency doctors visits (I'll save you unpleasant specifics). But, we've walked away unscathed.

I am now 10 weeks pregnant with Quadruplets. It still feels surreal to say that out loud. Even more surreal is that we will have SIX children.

We had our first appointment with a high risk ob last night. Specifically, he's a Perinatalogist. We both really liked him, and he spent a ton of time going over every facet of the pregnancy. He (and his practice) have a ton of experience delivery high order multiples and we both left feeling so much more comfortable with what's going to happen in the next few months and beyond.

The doctor gave us a ton of statistics and feels that I have two things going for me- one is my age, and the other is that I've never progressed in either of my other pregnancies. This means that I have a fighting chance of not going into severe pre-term labor. The longer the babies stay put, the less likely they are to suffer any long term detrimental effects from being pre-term. The most important thing to do is to mentally be in the mind set that this will all have a positive outcome, and use common sense in regards to what my body can endure.

I have to say that for the first time, we have faith (Well, Weston has most of the faith) that we can do this. I can actually begin to let the excitement build, and look forward to meeting our four new additions.

In non-pregnancy related news Jake was registered officially for Kindergarten last week. My first baby is growing up so quickly. I swear he's going to be driving and going to college any day. Owen was registered for the four year old class at his pre-school, which is also hard for me to stomach. They are both getting so big, talking like little men and becoming so mature. It's really amazing to sit back and watch them progress day to day. Even more astounding is the relationship they have with each other. There is less fighting and arguing and more conversations, play time and pleasant interaction between the two of them. It's such a great thing to witness.

Needless to say we're blessed...