Monday, October 26, 2009


It's been quite some time since I wrote, hasn't it? I'd love to say I have some time to write now, but alas, I don't :) I can't seem to justify taking the few minutes to write about life here when we are truly spending every minute living and enjoying it.

In all honestly, having six beautiful and healthy children in our home has not only filled our time but it's filled our hearts as well. To witness the interaction between all of them, and to watch them grow and change daily is such an amazing thing. We are, without a doubt, blessed.

The boys have adapted to having four new siblings wonderfully, and have become the best big brothers the babies could have. The babies have continued to surprise us day after day, showing us their four distinct personalities already. And Hamilton the dog (the crazy crazy dog) hasn't eaten anyone yet. So far, I'd say it's been a successful 8 weeks.

If you're wondering what it's like to be in the midst of all of this, I promise you it's not crazy. In fact, the babies have given us all a sense of calm and sort of anchored our family. Things have been so uneventful in fact that I often wonder when the shoe will drop.

I hope to have some time soon to tell more of our story, but for now I'm going to go be a part of it- even if it means getting thrown up on for the 6th time today ;)

Thanks to everyone who's kept up with us and sent warm wishes. They all mean so much!