Sunday, August 30, 2009

Mission Accomplished

This morning marks one the largest milestones we've aimed to accomplish. Tomorrow will mark one more.

First, today WE have made it to 34 weeks gestation with our Quadruplets. When I say "We" I truly mean both our immediate family and beyond.

I may have done the physical work of carrying these babies, but Weston has has carried more than his fair share of the responsibility of keeping our lives maintained, and the boys have made it through without having 100% of their mother at their disposal. Our families have worked hard to help with anything we've asked of them, and our friends have done the same. We are so very blessed.

Last night I was trying to explain to West how I felt about the whole experience. To have made it this far, with hardly a bump to be noticed is the biggest gift anyone could have given us. I truly feel as though we've been carried through it, with little more than our toes grazing the ground. We have both God, and everyone around us to thank for that. How can I not feel honored to made it through this part of the journey unscathed? After experiencing the miraculous last 34 weeks, it's hard not to put faith in a higher power and give appreciation to our families who've done so much. To say I feel an unbelievable amount of love and devotion is an understatement.

Tomorrow, at 7:30am, we'll deliver our four newest children via c-section. We've met our goals throughout the pregnancy and tomorrow, we'll meet our gifts. I am excited beyond comprehension. To see them each for the first time, to touch them, to see Weston holding his first babies (by blood of course) and to experience that bond that we both worked so very hard to solidify. To give the boys the siblings they too have been anticipating, and to give our families four more lives to love. It's just going to be an incredible experience. The excitement and joy of seeing our family come together is something that I can not describe, but truly can not wait to behold.

I know that tomorrow will not be easy, given the surgery and the prematurity of the babies. I know that our lives are about to change to significantly that we may not recognize our previous selves. But for now, I am going to let all of the worry and anxiousness subside and focus of what we're about to witness, and the joy it will bring us.

Today we decided to have people over to enjoy some company, and get some family time in before tomorrow's events. We've tried to celebrate in some way every Sunday since I reached 28 weeks, but today seems more special and is the culmination of our pregnancy. We thought it would be nice to share that. So, we're having family, friends, food and drinks this afternoon and I can't wait. The highlight of my day will of course be seeing my Mom, who's staying with us for a couple of days to help (tomorrow my dad and sister will follow).

I am off to start our last day as a family of four, and will keep everyone posted on how tomorrow goes. Please keep us, and our babies (all of them, this isn't going to be easy on Jake and Owen either) in your thoughts!

Much love and thanks,


Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Final Stretch

Today we've reached 33 weeks. It's amazing to think that in 8 days (well, 7 1/2) we will meet these babies. Our c-section has been scheduled for August 31st, which is a week from tomorrow. I'm not sure if I've ever been more nervous.

We never thought when we found out we were having quads that we'd reach 34 weeks. In fact, we would have been thrilled to get to 30. But here we are, able to see the light at the end of the tunnel and I am just in awe. I never reached a point in this entire process where I was scared or shaken. But now, for some odd reason, being faced with an actual date has left me more apprehensive than usual. I'm anxious about the surgery, how the babies will handle the birth, what their health will be like, how the boys' will adjust, how Weston and I will fair and so much more. A week before they're born seems like a crappy time to start worrying about things, but leave it to me to procrastinate.

Jake and Owen impress me more and more each day. They survived our move and have adjusted so well to our new home. They also seem to really understand just what's going on around here, and what's about to happen. They've have even been very gentle and affectionate towards me, taking precautions not to hurt me or the babies. For two rambunctious boys, they are truly acting like little men who possess both compassion and sympathy for how I feel. It's astounding to witness and I am so incredibly proud of them.

Weston and I survived our move as well, and I have to say that I have never seen someone work as hard as Weston has from the week leading up to our move to this very moment as he paints our spare bedroom. He has been non-stop, and has made sure to keep me away from all of the "hoopla" as much as he can, even while he maintains his normal day to day work. It's really been a testament to his dedication to his family, and of course, me. We've also been blessed to have help from our families which can not go unacknowledged. From people helping with packing, to people helping to unpack...To people lending their time to help with the boys and so on...It's been a great thing to have people to help and we are both very grateful for it.

Since things are settling down now and we're fairly organized and unpacked, I've decided to actually take it easy this week. I've been ok for most of the last 33 weeks but this past week has been especially rough on me. I am getting HUGE and am having a hard time just getting around, so I figured I could take this week, enjoy the last few days of just having my two little boys and really focus on relaxing. There is no question that I don't sit still well. But I'm going to make an effort so I can go into surgery with a sense of calm. The babies deserve it. Aside from the FINAL drs appt I have tomorrow, I will not be running all over the place as usual. To be honest, I am actually looking forward to it.

So that's the story....One week until we have our 4 beautiful new additions, three weeks until my oldest son starts kindergarten, and a whole entire week to absorb every bit of what's happening around here surrounded by my family.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


If I hear one more person say "you look like you're about to pop" I may very well pop them (aside from family of course). Today I was out hunting for stuff for our new house and was in Lowes. I swear that in the 20 mins I was there I must have had five or six people come up to me and say something to the effect of "you look you're about to pop." They must have thought I was unaware of my appearance, or hadn't noticed that my belly is entering rooms about 3 steps before I am. I admit, I take pride in the fact that I am still up and about at 31 weeks pregnant with quadruplets. I would just rather people not point out the obvious as I waddle my way through Lowes, the bank or anywhere else, closely resembling the likes of the penguins Jake and Owen so thoroughly enjoy at the zoo.

Tomorrow is 31 weeks exactly. This past week has gone by fairly quickly, given all that's been done. We've had the new house cleaned and painted, started packing, Weston took in a Phillies game, I took the boys to start school shopping, etc. We ended our week with a get together at my sister in laws last night complete with food, lots of family, and drinks (God, I so miss Gin and Tonics....). I also was lucky enough to have "belly pics" done by Hilaire, the sister in law who's house we were at. She dolled me up, told me how to pose and all of that fun stuff. For as awkward as I felt during the "session," I felt completely at ease by the end and was in love with some of the pictures she took. I wanted to have them for the babies and for West, so I am SO incredibly grateful that she took the time to do that for me. I really can't wait to see them when they are finished!

To celebrate our 31 week anniversary (yes, I have been making West celebrate with me every week since 28 weeks) we're heading to Raymour and Flanigan for date night. I know, it sounds so romantic. But it will be nice to have an uninterrupted couple of hours tonight with my husband, day dreaming about our new house and our new life with our six children. Of course, reality will settle in and I'll be thinking of the utter chaos and mess that's soon to come sometime after dinner ;)

The boys are with their dad until tomorrow so I hope I have some time to relax a bit. For as much time as I spend in bed these days, I'm not feeling really relaxed, lol. I'm off to nap while I wait for West to get home and get date night started.

Happy 31 weeks Babies!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The worst thing in the world is to try to sleep and not to. ~F. Scott Fitzgerald

West and I during the first week of vacation
Owen looking like a cross between Popeye and Curious George

Jakers on the tube

Jakers playing in the sand

Owen sleeping in his Radio Flyer Wagon :)

Mommy and Owen snuggling up on the beach

I've had some comments made to me about my lack of attention to the blog, so tonight I'll fight the utter exhaustion and try to get everyone reacquainted with our expanding family (and my ever expanding belly).
* A big shout out to Chris and Krisi who have convinced me to type, even when the energy could be better used trying to roll over.
In the past 7-8 weeks a lot has happened, though nothing significant related to the pregnancy. It's easy to think that as I have to slow my life down to accommodate my growing body, the world itself would slow down as to not leave me out. Unfortunately, that has not been the case and I have been left to view most things from afar. It's been quite a wake up call to realize that as much as I would like life to be at my pace, it likely won't happen.

A good portion of the past two months was spent at the shore for 3 weeks for vacation (coming home once a week to visit our doctors). We had beautiful weather and the boys had an absolute blast. I was even fortunate enough to go to the beach most days (keeping very well hydrated, covered, etc). This year was certainly not as relaxing as one would hope because of the pregnancy and my lack of ability to do most things, but was also very stressful because Weston's mom became very ill. Whenever someone in your family has a serious ailment it most certainly lends a hand in increasing the stresses of every day life. Thankfully, she is making a slow, but steady recovery and she'll be ready to enjoy her four new grandchildren when they arrive.

Aside from vacation, our summer really hasn't been overwhelmingly fun filled. As I said, I've mostly been "out of commission" and we've just now started to more proactively prepare for the babies. One would think we would have been doing that long ago, I know. But something in my head needed me to wait until the babies were viable to start making plans, etc. I suppose on some level I didn't want to jinx having them arrive safely. Having that attitude however has left us scrambling as the due date comes closer and closer. As an example, in the last month we've gotten a new car (Can an SUV that seats 8 really be considered a car?!) and a new house. Yes, that's right....A new house. So now, on top of all of the chaos that surrounds us on a day to day basis we've thrown moving into the mix. Have I mentioned I'm not supposed to do much and won't be much help when it comes to actually moving?!

Maybe our summer hasn't been overwhelmingly fun filled, but we did find out that we were chosen to be featured on a multiples special for TLC. Apparently its like a combination of THE BABY STORY and BRINGING HOME BABY. We're excited to have the birth and some of the first few moments filmed, as we both know neither one of us will be in the right mind to properly document it ourselves. To be able to have those memories forever accessible is a gift and it will be an amazing thing to show the babies once they are old enough to understand what it took to get them here safely. We'll keep everyone posted as we find out more about when the show will air, etc.

So, there is the abridged version of our summer...On to the present....
It just so happens that today I have reached a significant goal of being 30 weeks pregnant with Quadruplets. We've beaten the average, and our in utero children are each weighing in at over 3 lbs, and all continue to be seemingly healthy.

I, on the other hand have been having an increasingly hard time with both pain and mental health management. Essentially I am in varying degrees of pain all of the time and that's causing me to lose a massive amount of sleep. That lack of sleep combined with the pain of carrying well over 12 lbs of babies has left me emotionally spent, and if we're being honest, ready to crack. Laying around all day is less glamorous then it seems, and I'm often left feeling as though the boys are suffering for my lack of abilities and my marriage is suffering for my lack of emotional stability. There is no question that the energy in the house has been altered. We all know that any day, we'll all be left with our lives so off balance we won't know what to do. That's not to say all of us don't have faith, or look forward to the blessings that we're about to receive. It just means that sometimes the time leading up to the event is often much more stress filled that the actual event itself.

With that said, the doctors are expecting great things from us. They expect that the babies will hang in there for another few weeks, and to be honest, I'm expecting the same. Hopefully, the power of positive thinking will pay off. It's comforting to think that just as the babies have each other to take comfort in and grasp on to during the next few weeks, my husband and I can take comfort in and grasp onto each other as well.

I promise to try to write more often. If anything it will be because my memory is terrible and if I don't *I* may not remember what happened during this pregnancy!